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Event Logs


Event Logs

Event Logs

The Event Logs feature is designed to amplify the analytical capabilities of CCC administrators when dealing with critical events. This tool enables seamless export of three distinct log types, each offering a range of insights and facilitating comprehensive analysis. These logs, available in a user-friendly plain text file format, include:

  • Monitoring Logs

  • Server Logs

  • Operations Logs

With the Events Logs feature, CCC administrators can analyze the exported log files in an offline mode.

Exporting Event Log

To export an event log, follow these steps:

Navigate to the Monitoring & Reports tab and select Event Logs in the navigation frame. This will display a table listing all the logs, with columns containing the following details:

Log Details Description
Log Type Specifies the type of logs stored in CCC.
Date Specifies the date when the logs are stored.
Name Specifies the name of the log files.
Size Specifies the size of the log files.

The table presents a comprehensive view of all stored logs. It displays up to 21 logs per page.

Click on the download icon to initiate the download process for a specific log file.

Filtering by log type

To filter by log type, follow these steps:

Click on Filter log types. A drop-down menu will appear, presenting three options:

  • Monitoring

  • Server

  • Operations

Choose one of the three options from the drop-down menu. The logs list will be automatically filtered, based on the selected option.

Event Logs are stored in the system memory for an indefinite period. You can remove them manually, if needed. Keep in mind that these logs will also be deleted if CCC is reinstalled. Therefore, it is important to make a backup of any important logs before reinstalling.